Saturday, May 10, 2014

Roadside Flowers

A philosopher once asked, "Where is God?" 
The Christian answered, 
Let me first ask you, where is he not?"
John Arrowsmith

Along the roadside 
A stream of flowers flutter and fly in the wind 
Looking as if a flower shop's delivery truck 
Has sprung a leak,
As if an artist dribbled every color
On the wayside grass
Too intent on painting to notice,
Spring showers splashed and the colors ran
Sun streamed down and the dropped blossoms
So without any cooking at all
I feast on soul food.

Thursday, May 8, 2014


We may ignore but never evade
 the presence of God. 
The world is crowded with Him. He walks 
everywhere incognito.
C.S. Lewis

by c.elecehollis

Like sentinels guarding over the garden
Bearded watchmen stand tall and silent,
Vigilant in the early afternoon sunlight, 
Green swords ready at their sides.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


The earth laughs in flowers.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Like a fistful of orange lollipops,
A gift from the earth,
Satin lilies pop out of fat buds.
Wave in the spring breeze
So sweet you can smell sugar about them
Fanciful and fun enough
To make us all feel like kids
Seeing them open, fresh-made
By the hands of God.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Silent Beauty

All God's greatest works are silent...Nature rose 
under the Almighty hand without clang or clamor, 
or noises that distract and disturb.
 Andrew Martin Fairbairn

Silent as growing grass
Silent as the noonday sun
As moonlight falling over the meadow
Silent as the sky after the storm
Silent as an earnest prayer 
Silent as color, as shadows, as dawn
Silent as a whisper hushed
Whites dance on air 
Purse yellow lips in my direction
And smile—silent still.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Pink Laughing

Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God.
Leon Henri Marie Bloy

Like cherry syrup poured into fluted glasses
Ruffled-lipped joy-filled tulips invite me to laugh with them
Glow pink like a early summer sunrise
Pink to mix with gold and green, swirl and splash
With blue sky for a perfectly happy day.